Thursday, June 20, 2024

Soul Purpose and Spiritual Initiation - Are you a Wayshower or Maybe a Lightworker!

How do you find out what your Soul Purpose is.   Or the other question "why am I here, what is my purpose"

There are many ways of trying to define what your Soul Purpose is, meditation, journaling.  I do both daily, all help, as every single answer we seek is within, no one can tell you, you really are the only one who can figure that out.

Another way would be to have a Soul Purpose reading.  This type of reading is available from Ariella Indigo.  Her Soul Purpose System e-book is based in Jewish Mysticism , the sacred Hebrew Language, Gematria Numerology and Ancient Egypt.   A fascinating and enlightening look into why your name is no coincidence.   A reading can also be obtained from Georgie Garwood, Unified Consciousness, check out her Facebook page.

This type of reading gives one insight into physical, spiritual talents, challenges, goals and very insightful, I can highly recommend this as it has given me great insight into my own life, past, challenges and goals.

I have discovered over the last few years that I am a Wayshower.  There are many out there along with Light workers.  Below is a brief description of a Wayshower, see if it resonates with you and events happening in you life internally and externally.  A wayshower is someone who fully exemplifies the traits they hope thers will adopt as humanity seeks to create a new paradigm. A wayshower exemplifies divine qualities that raise our collective human frequency. They shine their light in such a way that those who behold them, those who spend time with them, and those who observe them are enlightened just by the experience. As their moniker suggests, wayshowers are bold individuals who are here to serve as examples for the rest of us

A person who can show others the way is one who has overcome adversity in the past. Wayshowers have endured deeply challenging life experiences, and through alchemical processes (consciously or unconsciously) they have used that adversity to fortify their inherent divine qualities and ultimately manifest those qualities as a living, breathing example for others still struggling to activate their true divine selves.

Wayshowing is not easy. In order to avoid feeling disoriented and overwhelmed, it is crucial for wayshowers to maintain a strong connection to the earth by activating their root chakra and practicing “grounding” activities. Getting in tune with their inner guidance and soul mission requires daily meditation to raise their vibration and establish a connection to Source (the Creator, God, Goddess, whatever term you use).

Some common experiences for wayshowers:

  1. Feeling like you do not belong here; not fitting in
  2. Being the first to “awaken” in the family and see the matrix for what it is and what it is not
  3. Living a life that others do not understand; being a trailblazer
  4. Overcoming a difficult, lonely, and/or traumatic childhood
  5. Having psychic experiences, e.g. prophetic dreams, clairvoyance, clairaudience, clairsentience (or any other “clair”), astral travel, communication with spirit guides and other beings
  6. Attracting people who need help or seek advice from you

All of the above seems to apply to me, thankfully there are quite a few of us, finding a soul group that you feel comfortable helps, it's good to have like minded people to talk with and compare notes with, then you don't feel like you are going Batshit Crazy.

Never forget, that all the answers you do have can be found by simply going within, blocking off outside noise and distractions, just being quiet in nature or in your own favourite quiet place, put your left hand on your heart centre, breathe, and just listen.


The simplest way to describe lightworkers would be as beings who feel an enormous pull towards helping others. Also referred to as crystal babies, indigos, Earth angels and star seeds, these spiritual beings volunteer to act as a beacon for the Earth, and commit to serving humanity. 

Lightworkers are awakened beings who bear the highest interests of all living beings and Earth in their minds. They hold a distinctive core of kindness within themselves and vibrate at a higher energy level that enables them to be positive and support others through their struggles.

They often feel greater kindness and compassion towards others right from their childhood – chances are that they’ve rescued several animals and other living beings in distress from a young age. 

Lightworkers tend to be sensitive, and hence they feel sadness and anguish for the misery that dwells in the world around them. This is why they tend to choose professions wherein their empathetic nature can be used to assist those in need, like nursing, therapy, rehabilitation, healing, care-giving, veterinary services, research and teaching etc. 

This is just a brief description of Lightworkers as there are many different kinds of Lightworkers, all here with their own mission, gifts, and talents.

Monday, February 12, 2024

Karate Dojo Kun

 Looking through old books today, tucked away between the pages was a sheet of paper that I wrote for a grading exam.    Many years ago, actually I was 41, I decided to take up Shotokan Karate (my mother thought line dancing would be safer, probably not).  I actually loved it, I learned a lot about me, how to defend myself, situational awareness, and what a spiritual practice was.   I loved doing Katas,  watching Black Belts do them was shear perfection and grace.   Granted due to all the blocking and kicking, my forearms were usually bruised, and my round house kicks were total rubbish (actually they were better if I didn't think instead of trying to break down the movements)  I only decided to take it as far as green belt, but I am forever grateful for the knowledge that Sensei passed down to all the students, and his patience when I constantly tied my belts the wrong way.  The Dojo then was in an old factory building, two floors being training rooms and weights, Sensei lived in the Penthouse, so a bit like Duncan McCloud of the Clan McCloud out of Highlander the series.  To build character on the really hot steamy days, no air conditioning, all windows and fans switched off, so by the end of class one had turned into a dripping,soggy, tired mess, lots of fun.  

Before grading for green  belt we had write our  own thoughts as to what  the Dojo Kun (training hall rules) meant to us personally, most of these can be applied to everyday life.  

Seek Perfection of Character

Strive to be the best that you can be in all areas.  Seek only to help people, when you do this you can help them obtain their goals.  Learn to look inside yourself to find the power and light you possess, there you will find all the answers to life's questions.  Trust your inner self, not the ego self.  Treat yourself with kindness, be gentle with yourself and treat yourself with respect, many are too hard on themselves, when you are kind to yourself you in turn treat others with kindness, we are all one with the universe, when you hurt others,you also hurt yourself.  Take responsibility for your actions, you alone are responsible for your life, others should not influence how you feel about yourself.  Celebrate your life and your own greatness and give 100% to every little thing you do.

In Karate, like life itself, you learn to tap into your inner strength and take advantage of the power inside which for the most part we choose to ignore.  Follow your bliss.

Be Faithful

Be faithful and true to yourself in all things, when you are faithful and true to yourself this will then carry foward into everything in life that you do.  Always have faith in your own abilities and never be afraid to ask for help when needed.


Live life to the fullest, give 110% to everything you do, never say never, and try everything at least once.  Always finish what you begin.  When life gets tough reach inside and find your inner power to help you through these times, you can always learn something even in the worst situations.  Keep a positive attitude.

Respect Others

When you respect yourself, you respect others, also when you respect yourself you will respect other people and treat them in the manner you would wish to be treated.

Karate classes consist of one big family, we are there to learn and reach our own goals, when you respect yourself and others each obtains their  own goals.

Respect your teachers in class, they have been on the path longer and through their own experiences can pass their knowledge onto you.

Refrain from Violent Behaviour

Always treat people with respect and compassion.   Avoid situations that might endanger, never attack, be in a defensive mode.

Friday, February 9, 2024


 We can all do this, we can all use our hands to heal, to heal ourselves, others, pets.

I use my hands constantly using Reiki.   I also practice Qi Gong and Budha Palm which ramps up the energy pouring through them.   Daily Qi Gong practice increases the Qi (energy) in ones body which helps with healing and health.

In both practices my hands heat up, tingle and throb and I can feel the Qi coursing through not only my hands but the rest of my body.  Every one is different, but we are all made of energy, wonderful healing energy.  Feeling the energy we are made of, and the energy that surrounds  and protects us is gloriously magical, as is holding a Qi ball in your hands. (I recommend HoldenQiGong, so informative)

The first time I experienced this energy was when I was attuned as a Reiki Master, I was the only person taking this  attunement on that particular day, so as well as the attunement my Reiki Master who was a Shaman also fixed parts of me that required work from a previous live (a whole different story).  Anyway,  for 3 weeks after the attunement I felt like my whole body had been plugged into an electrical socket, my whole body vibrated, at the time I found it a bit strange and wondered what the hell was happening, apparently just my body adjusting to a vast amount of energy and upgrades.   Like I said everyone handles the energy differently, I have now learned how to direct the energy where I need it the most, Qi Gong helps with that, it also helps me ground into the energy of Gaia.

So, even if you have no desire to practice Reiki, try Qi Gong, the health benefits are wonderful and you will certainly get a feel for your own energy and power.   Do not forget just how powerful and  magical you are.  Next time you feel drained, tired or even need some self love, don't forget to just place your hands on the area that is causing pain or distress, I tend to put my on my heart centre and solar plexis as I find that comforting especially if stressed out, don't forget to breathe as this helps distribute the Qi.


Thursday, February 8, 2024

12 DIVINE PRINCIPLES - Paul Dobree Carey

 Not my words but they represent how I feel


To embody the eternal flow of conscious energy with no resistance.


To apply the nature laws of life in all things.


To sustain equilibrium amongst chaos encountered.


To create that which is un manifest into being.


To balance the movement created by opposites


To transform from lower into a higher state of being


To find a place within the scheme of all things


To behave in accordance with the individual uniqueness of being


To be one that which is desired to be


To move with cyclical ebbs and flow of all things


To surrender to the inevitablity of progression.


To recognize that everything has a reaction.

As Within So With All (What is contained in you can be found in the hearts of all mankind)
As Above So Below (The Principles of Creation are found in All That is manifest from the micro to the macro)
As Behind So Ahead. (Everything that IS has changed from what WAS and will change again. Focus on the present)
As to the Left, So to the Right (Find harmony with polarity along the path no matter which way Life takes you)

Sunday, February 4, 2024


 Passion!  What is your Passion?

Passion, like love, comes in many forms.   We can be passionate about our families, animals, hobbies, lovers.  All different types of passion.  We were built to be passionate, to have desires, to create on all levels of life

Our families are a passion as we attempt to keep them healthy.   I have been told that when someone needs help healthwise, or otherwise. I have a tendancy to spin around and turn into Superwoman to try and fix things.  I feel passionately about people being healthy, making good choices, researching all types of healing.  I now realize that not everyone feels that way and after the last 4 years have learned to accept that, step back, loose the cape, and watch from the sidelines.

I am an empath so animals and animal welfare is my passion.   I can feel their distress and  their joy.  I believe animals are sent to heal us, to show us all the areas in our lives that can be improved upon, their love, even in the wild is unconditional.   Animals possess loyality, a goodness and passion for life which they show daily to their humans.

Passion and love,  okay, this can be complicated.   Passion for another human can be divine, true passion between two people can be a spiritual divine experience.   But passion isn't always, and doesn't have to be sexual, (although sometimes the passion between two people could light up a city) it can be as simple as showing interest in someone elses interests and life, observing someone who is excited about the work they are doing can bring about a renewed passion in your own life.    Passion, like love comes from the heart centre, so really a vamped up expression of love, anything coming from the heart centre is passion, a passion for life.  The heart centre is where we should aim to live and love.  But when you have a passion for something or someone, your eyes will reflect this, the whole body language changes, words and deeds are enhanced with joy and that's when magic happens, and we all need more of that.

Just my take on passion, everyone will have different point of view,  and their own magical experiences.