Sunday, December 19, 2021

You are your Own Guru

 What is a Guru

A Guru by definition is someone who is supposedly wise and all knowing, a person who has the answer to everything that requires adjustment in our lives.  Wrong!   In reality, while someone may impart guidance and knowledge it is based on their own experiences. It is your own responsibility to dig deep within yourself and face head on the things you need to, or wish to change, their guidance while well intended is what worked for them, we are all different and have different life dramas.

We all have the power to change our lives, not always an easy task and sometimes it can seem like a huge mountain to climb.   Events happen in our lives, good and bad, we tend to bury the bad things, store them and try to forget about them.   Unfortunately they always come back to bite you.    I am finding as I grow older (hopefully wiser) that it is better to face things head on and deal with them. I freely admit it is not always easy, but it does make one feel better, whether it is dealing with friends, family matters, or the day to day events that can throw us off, listening to your own heart is always the best solution.

Going back to the Guru,  you can be your own Guru, no, you are your own Guru.  No one knows you better than you do, your thoughts, emotions, triggers etc..  We all have our own unique life experiences, we all have the power and knowledge inside us to do anything we wish to, it has just been pushed to one side,forgotten, we constantly give our power to other people and situations, reclaiming your own power can be a challenge but you can do it. You are Powerful!

Our thoughts hold more power than you can imagine.   Our outer world is a reflection of our inner thoughts and feelings.   We all (me included) need to be more aware of our thoughts, good thoughts create wonderful experiences, and doom and gloom thoughts create more of the same doom and gloom.

At some point in your life some of you will have desired and wanted something, constantly thought about it, dreamed about it, and then it happens.    You made that happen, yes you!

When we were kids, we used to dream and live in a world of our own that was wonderful and magical.   Schools, sometimes have a tendency to squash our imagination, we are taught not to dream but to buckle down, do exams, try and pick a career at the age of sixteen, we are taught to blend in and not be our own magical self.  Who on earth knows (well maybe a couple do) what they want to do for the rest of their lives at sixteen.     There are schools out there that do encourage creativeness and individuality, Waldorf and Montessori schools do that more schools should follow suit.

I believe most of us would be much happier adults, if we had been encouraged to carry on dreaming, using our thoughts and imagination to create lives that are rewarding, bring joy, and are also the lives we want to live and not what other people have in mind.

We all forget that we have Physical, Mental, Emotional and Spiritual bodies, it would be much easier if we kept this in mind when making decisions.

Physical -   Does this feel okay in my body ( I get fluttering around my solar plexus when things are not right)

Mental -   Finding yourself changing your mind about the decision you just made.

Emotional -   How does this decision make me feel, brilliant or cranky, sometimes we make decisions based on what we think would make someone else happy and not necessarily ourselves (guilty). Are you respecting your own boundaries?

Spiritual - Is this decision in alignment with my spiritual path, will it bring joy, contentment and peace, does it lift my spirit.

No one can make life decisions for you, only you can do that using your own power.

You really are your own Guru.     Find somewhere quiet, relax, breathe and try and listen to your own heart.   For me personally, using my heart as guidance is one of the best things I have ever done.

So give yourself a break, look in a mirror and feast your eyes on your Guru, you!