Saturday, January 19, 2019

Four things Face Yoga Isn't

  1. Isn’t a quick fix. Face Yoga takes daily dedication but is totally worth it as it feels amazingly pampering and calming to do and gets great results that are natural and safe.     
  2. Isn’t  to be carried out from a place of self criticism. It’s great to want to improve but this needs to come from a place of love and self acceptance rather than hate.
  3.  Isn’t the answer to every health and beauty issue. Face Yoga works really well with a healthy lifestyle and daily self care and it all works together to help us look and feel well. 
  4. Isn’t about being anti or against ageing. It is about knowing and loving the fact that we are getting older every day and this isn’t a bad thing

Face Yoga IS about simple, effective and natural tools to help us look and feel the best version of who we are and to love the skin we’re in